
The 4 Ways to Motivate Students to Prepare for College

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Future college students have limited time to prepare for college. Their high school years are perhaps the most intense. They are expected to perform well academically, work on their college application, and figure out what their goals in life are, all starting with their junior year. ScholarPrep Nation believes that a college education is a necessity, not a privilege.

Most first-gen students might not know how to efficiently prepare for college applications. They could be intimidated by the amount of workload they must do or simply feel unfamiliar with the steps they must take in order to achieve college success. Although college admissions counselors are doing their best to usher in the impending college journey, first-gen African-American students remain baffled by the lack of clarity and inclusivity in education.

In today’s article, we’ll look at the 4 ways in which school leaders can motivate the kids, particularly their African-American students, to start preparing for the scholarship and college application processes without too much stress and uncertainty. Read on to discover more!

#1: Prepare for College Admission As Early As 8th Grade

Students who are encouraged by school leaders and teachers to look ahead from early on are the ones who have higher chances of passing college entrance exams with flying colors. As for the college and scholarship application processes, they will start to make sense before senior year arrives.

As most high school counselors reiterate, college success can be achieved by paying attention to the details. By details, we mean recommendation letters, community involvement, AP exams for college credit, leadership experience, and even a part-time job that could count as work experience. All of these cannot be achieved overnight. 

In fact, seeking internship programs during senior year could potentially stifle academic achievement. The last year of high school is supposed to be a time for reflection, not a time to rush and do things at the last minute. 

#2: Prioritize Inclusivity in Education Through a Proactive Approach

African-American students long for college life. They are driven and focused on getting advantageous scholarships, avoiding college debt, and becoming college freshmen. Moreover, they are eager to fight against the lack of inclusivity in education.

It is well-known that schools in our country need to make more efforts to reduce the unfairly excessive discipline of students of color. Race biases are limiting the academic potential of students of color as we speak. Instead of dealing with knowledge gaps in an understanding and proactive manner, most teachers and counselors resort to harsh discipline methods.

The bad experiences many African-American students have in high school seem to cast a shadow on their efforts to prepare for college. By being treated unfairly, their dreams of higher education could very easily crumble under the pressure of racial inequity.

School leaders must make urgent use of culturally inclusive tools, like ScholarPrep Nation, to incorporate an Afrocentric outlook that will enhance the children’s lives, problem-solving skills, and academic achievement levels.

#3: Make Financial Aid & Scholarship Application Awareness a Top Priority

Being on a college campus is expensive, to put it bluntly. We are still facing an undeniable Black-White wealth gap and that is not helping parents or their children prepare for college confidently. 

However, financial aid could alleviate these budget strains. Afrocentric college access programs, such as ScholarPrep Nation, are on a mission to eliminate student debt once and for all. According to a study by The Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, first-generation students and students of color are dealing with student debt that could potentially last for their entire lives. This disheartening fact must be counteracted with scholarship applications and a better understanding of what federal loans entail. 

It’s time to actively promote The Common App, The Common Black College App (CBCA), and the Coalition App for all the hard work that they’re doing, as well as for their efforts to make inclusivity in education a top priority. Scholarships could very well limit student debt, and it is up to us to financially educate families.

#4: Make Preparing for College an Easy Task With ScholarPrep Nation

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ScholarPrep Nation is the kind of college access program that seeks to join hands with school leaders, counselors, teachers, parents, and their children. We believe that an Afrocentric approach could help African-American students find a sense of pride and empowerment as they ponder their intended major. 

For that to happen, we must demystify the academic journey. Here’s how ScholarPrep Nation prepares students for collegiate success:

  • Full access to the online & nationwide ScholarPrep Nation network
  • On-demand academic mentorship services
  • The opportunity to get advice from educational consultants
  • Being paired up with a coach, also known as a ScholarPrep Navigator
  • Completing personality assessments and exploring career opportunities
  • ACT/SAT test prep and tutoring
  • Monthly webinars and accountability meetings to make sure that the kids are on the right track
  • …and much more!

We can only imagine how overwhelming it is to be a school leader. Take some of the pressure off by allowing culturally empowering college access programs, such as ScholarPrep Nation, to guide your students toward college success. 

Offer Your Students the Motivation to Prepare for College Now!

ScholarPrep Nation is an expert at preparing youth and their families for the college and scholarship application processes. Together, we can increase the graduation rate and nurture generations of financially literate, first-gen students.

With student debt hitting an all-time high, we must join forces. Is your school ready to prepare for college with the help of experts? If so, make sure to contact us, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

ScholarPrep Nation

ScholarPrep Nation is a college access program that arms scholars with a wide variety of tools and resources to help them navigate their high school journey and understand all of the post-high school opportunities available to them

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