
It’s a Family Affair: Engaging African-American Students and Their Families


There is an achievement gap that African-American students, particularly young Black boys, have to face from very early on. Unequal opportunities prevent low-income families from supporting their children and guiding their steps toward higher education. ScholarPrep Nation addresses the inequities by lending a helping hand.

Systemic racism is an ongoing issue that continuously affects the educational progress of Black students. Additionally, the lack of family engagement and teaching strategies prevents college success from ever happening. A study showed that the educational attainment of Black families is 34.8% high school. First-gen college students will need some solid guidance.

In today’s article, we’re going to bring families and educators together. We attempt to bridge the gap between home and school as efficiently as possible. Read on and let’s get this family affair started!

Guiding African-American Students and Their Families to College

A paradigm shift needs to take place. Let’s take the example of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, one of the most selective universities in California. Research shows that Black students only made up 1.6% of the total freshman applicants. 

Why does this happen? Because during high school, African-American students do not receive the guidance they require. High-poverty schools struggle with less qualified teachers and a lack of funding are to blame. Also, late college preparation is an equally negative factor. Lastly, public school principals fail to provide culturally affirming support to Black students.

In order for Black students to pursue higher education, they need the right resources, tools, and guidance. High school counselors, school principals, and educators must join forces and try their best to engage both African-American families and their kids.

Why Family Engagement Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Most educators and high school counselors might perceive families of color as not supportive or active enough. That is because these families are not properly engaged. There is no culturally relevant support for Latino parents and families of color and it shows.

The contribution of parents or guardians is one of the most important and underrated aspects of student success. The lack of family engagement affects both Black and Latino students. Parents are rarely considered experts and their input is often pushed aside, in favor of that of the educator. 

This leads parents of Black students to stop sharing their opinions and not join important meetings where the academic achievement of their kids is discussed. Carnegie Corporation of New York encourages schools to reject any deficit-based views of the families and instead explore the richly Afrocentric outlooks parents might have to share.

An Afrocentric Family Affair: Meet ScholarPrep Nation

Photo by Carrita Tanner on Unsplash

What if we told you that there is a college access program out there that prioritizes the input of Black students and their families? A safe place where ideas can be shared freely, without judgment, an Afrocentric fountain of knowledge that can ensure college success? That college access program is called ScholarPrep Nation and it is readily available for you.

This unique college access program was founded by Pastor George M. Gaskins Jr. of Bethel Baptist Church in Union City, California in partnership with Mahea Gaskins, his wife. They both noticed just how difficult the college admission and scholarship application processes can be for students who lack information and decided to offer African-American children a solid chance of achieving college success. 

This culturally affirming and deeply Afrocentric college access program is ideal for Black youth that wants to be guided by experts, from high school, college, and into their successful careers. 

Here’s what ScholarPrep Nation provides Black youth with:

  • Unlimited access to an online, nationwide network
  • On-demand academic mentorship
  • Expert advice from certified educational consultants
  • Personalized scholarship search & college essay writing
  • Being paired with a ScholarPrep Navigator (coach)
  • Completion of a personality assessment
  • ACT/SAT prep & tutoring
  • Monthly webinars
  • Accountability Meetings
  • …and much more!

Our program’s features streamline the college admission process and help African-American children fill out the scholarship application. 

College Life, Here We Come!

The scholarship application and college admission processes have been confusing for the longest time. This very confusion has kept African-American students from reaching brand-new academic heights.

Luckily for families and students, ScholarPrep Nation steps in and leverages the tools and resources that are needed for a smooth academic journey and better academic achievement levels. 

Contact us now and allow us to show you just how easy it is to reach college success. We look forward to hearing from you!

ScholarPrep Nation

ScholarPrep Nation is a college access program that arms scholars with a wide variety of tools and resources to help them navigate their high school journey and understand all of the post-high school opportunities available to them

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