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Our blog contains the latest information to engage parents and students in the college planning process


Avoid College Debt with These 3 Tips

College debt can be a scary notion, especially for student borrowers of color who are either first-gen or come from...

It’s a Family Affair: Engaging African-American Students and Their Families

There is an achievement gap that African-American students, particularly young Black boys, have to face from very early on. Unequal...

African-American Students Prepare for College: 3 Must-Haves

As Black youth start to prepare for college, they might bump into some easily avoidable obstacles. Due to this, all...

Is College Still Worth It for Black Youth? 4 Most Asked Questions

Because the college admission process is so mystified, the majority of Black youth are genuinely confused about which academic path...

Are Only Black Students Welcome at HBCUs?

Historically Black colleges and universities, also known as HBCUs, continue to provide anti-racist education to hundreds of thousands of students...

Can High School Counseling Be Afrocentric?

High school counseling should do more than simply offer academic support. There are over 33,957 school counselors at work in...

How Anti-Racist Education Can Pave a Safer Way to College

Anti-racist education has yet to become a national priority. How do we ensure that historically oppressed racial groups get to...
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Increasing College Enrollment and Retention: 3 Steps

College enrollment and student retention levels continue to decline. According to the National Student Clearinghouse, undergraduate enrollment fell by 1.1%....
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3 Ways to Help First-Generation College Students Find Their Academic Way

What exactly defines first-generation college students?  First off, they do not have the benefit of consulting with a college-educated parent....

What Exactly Is the College Application Resume? 4 Tips & Tricks!

Curious to find out how you can write a successful college application resume? Then look no further. Perhaps you’re confused...

How the College Admission Process Impacts Black Students: An Afrocentric Perspective

Black students deal with systemic racism on a daily basis. In fact, the deeply mystified college admission process currently prevents...
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3 Tips for Parents: The Scholarship Application

Uncertain about your kid’s scholarship application process? You’re not alone. Many parents are unaware of the scholarship opportunities that are...